Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Virgin Entry (Wait, that sounds dirty...)

Welcome to my blog! This is my first entry on any blog, ever.  Unless you count the Xanga pages we all had in Middle School.   Remember those?  Everyone was so interested in themselves back then... "Everyone wants to read how AWESOME I am!"     I don't want to get that disillusioned about this blog, so I'll try to keep it interesting for you all.

On this blog I'll talk about the projects I have going on around the house, and crafts, and cooking, and things I find interesting.  Of course if you haven't already, I suggest you follow me on Pinterest.  My boards are a mess, but they're usually the seeds to what you'll see on here.

So what kind of projects do I have going on now?  Well we're year two in owning a house and we haven't done as much as we wanted to in our first year.  But this past month, we've made progress!  We painted the bathroom downstairs from a dreary blue to a bright yellow.  It will match my rubber duckies so much better now!  I'll post before and after pictures once I'm done decorating and putting finishing touches on there.

Also, I recently started crocheting and I'm tackling about three different projects now.  A few baby blankets, and a scarf for myself with my favorite colors.  As some of you may remember, my mother was QUEEN of crocheting.  She'd make a baby blanket a week.  Even if she didn't know the person very well - if they were prego, they were getting a blanket. Even towards the end of her life she was crocheting and making blankets for people, even if the chemo drugs made her hands tremble and caused her to forget who the blanket was for.... So in her memory I'm teaching myself to crochet.  My mother and I made a granny-square vest when I was in high school, but I wasn't really good at it and got frustrated with it (High schoolers... amiright?) But now that I have the patience and appreciation that comes with age, I'm much better at it.  And what's even better is I think of my mom now every time I crochet, and it's a wonderful way to honor her memory.
One of my favorite pictures of my mom and me

And I'm cooking now!  I started a recipe book and everything.  And - get this - I'm pretty good!  My cooking experiments come out real tasty! Cooking, baking, frying, I have lots of tricks under my sleeves.

I know a lot of these "housewife" blogs have advice on how to deal with children.  Sorry gals, I don't have any yet.  But I do have some crazy furry four legged beings that are basically my children.   So I may have some entries about them and some advice if I find any valuable information for you all.   I have two kitties and a dog.  And since people with kids love to show you pictures, here's pictures of MY furry kids!


He's now 6 years old.  I found him in Rosedale when he was a kitten and saved him from being a matted flea-ridden skin and bones, into the fat happy cat he is today.  He was named Gordo because at the time he looked like a miniature version of my sister's cat, Pumpkin.  I figured a small pumpkin is a gourd, and since he was so skinny naming him Gordo would be like ironically calling a huge guy Tiny (Gordo means 'fat' in Spanish).  Now, he's grown into his name.... unironically. 


She's almost 3 years old, and very small.  Dan and I got her from a shelter and she got very sick after we had her only a few months.  We soon found out she ate and swallowed a string that was caught in her throat and was severing her intestines.  She had emergency surgery and is now a healthy small kitty. She's also the most vocal cat I've ever known.  She meows every time you touch her, sometimes she meows if she sees you coming.  She's my little Puffin Muffin.  She's named after the arctic bird, the Puffin, because of her coloring.


The almost two year old Australian Shepherd puppy.  The first dog for both Dan and me.  Henrik is a really well behaved and very, very cute pup.  He fills every day with laughter just by being the loveable pooch that he is.  We named him after our favorite hockey player, Henrik Lundqvist.  He's the goalie for the NY Rangers, and his name is the Swedish version of Henry, which means 'King of his house'. 

So that's the introduction for this blog, I hope you all enjoy reading what I have to share!


1 comment:

  1. Becca, great job. I am sharing your blog. Happy the honeymoon and wedding were spectacular. My love to you Dan and the family
